Friday, July 25, 2008

What do you think about this? Do you agree? If you agree...then do you continue with "the game"? If you don't agree...then on what basis do you disagree?


Jeremy Schweyer said...

You know how I feel about it. The weaker brother...............

Anonymous said...

I think what he says about words uplifting and bringing grace to the hearer are absolutely true. How many times I have had someone say something sarcastic to me but the words themselves would never be questionable - the attitude with which they were spoken is what causes the pain and denigrates the person by saying the words. However, I do not believe we can use any words we want within our culture, because we are, by being Christfollowers, held to His standards, not the world's broken, sad and fallen standards.

~Janie Lindsay

irreverend fox said...

jeremy...yes sir.


I agree completely with yon about the attitude of how things are said...even if the particular words are "right". can we know which words met Christ’s standards and which words simply meet the broken, sad and fallen standards of the world? In other words, who decides which words fall short of Christ’s standards?