Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I found another classic by Mark Driscoll on YouTube and we all need to soak it in. I have become totally convinced that this short clip captures one of the essential keys to true, deep and lasting spiritual growth. This is also very true for pastors...if you are a whom do you submit? Do you have a mentor? Who has authority over you? And by authority, I don't mean compulsive authority...because that simply deals with external "church related" issues. I whom do you willingly submit yourself to? Who is your Paul, pastor?

Make no mistake...the only reason I have not shipwrecked as a Christian and certainly as a pastor is because I decided upfront that I would find men of wisdom and do whatever they tell me to do. I'm impulsive and run off at the mouth...I knew that if I was to grow into a spiritual father of a group of God's people I must certainly be a man under spiritual authority myself. Pastors are not exempted from this principle.

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