Monday, December 11, 2006

I will be in a cabin in the woods till Thursday, just me and God…no internet access. But I will have my laptop and will have plenty of time to be putting my thoughts down and a fresh Semper Reformanda should be up Thursday afternoon sometime…unless I get eaten by a bear or unless a psycho is wanders my way and hacks me to death with an axe or something like that.

God bless and I’ll be praying for you, please pray for me if you think about it. I need the prayers and you need the practice.

pray that:
-God will confirm in me the vision for 07 and beyond for Southside and for my wife and I.
-I don't get attacked by a bear or a psycho.
-That if I do get attacked by either a bear, psycho or anything else that I will have the strength to overcome.


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